Monday, February 16, 2009

First post!

Uh hum, (clearing my throat and looking around at all the strange faces, whispering to myself. . .every ones in their chonies, every ones in their chonies. . .)

I just want to send out a big thanks to Grace for helping me set up my second blog. If you continue to visit my page I promise to keep you in stitches and add funny pics of me and my fam at least once a month. I've always been a supporter of Lucy (I like it when Charlie falls down) and I will continue to avoid peanut butter and small finger foods like cucumber sandwiches. (never could figure out how they made a sandwich out of a cucumber.)

Oh, and by the way, Aunt K, Grace is doing fine.


  1. wa hoo!!! I have no doubt you can keep us laughing. Good to have you back. :o)\
    Cucumber sandwiches????? your a mess Lyndi.

  2. ~GASP!~ You're HERE??? In Blogland??? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I am soooooo glad you're back! But I sure hope you're not looking for another housewarming party. I have NO idea what to get somebody when they REmove into Blogland, especially with all the suspicions that they really don't have what it takes to stick around and they may desert you again just like they did last time and... Well, you get the idea. ;-)

    You've been missed. Don't do that to us again, lady. By the way... it's time for a new post.

  3. Wow! Who knew?! Hmmm...maybe I wasn't supposed to know? Hope all is well with you all.
